Sunday, March 11, 2012

Girlscout cookies

In October I started girl scouts. In February I started selling girl scout cookies to my neighbor hood, family and a few people in Cleveland that are my friends. I also sold some to my mom and dads work and a few other people in other neighbor  hoods. I sold 244 boxes in all and is the biggest total sold in the girl scout troop. If we all at least sold 72+ we could all go horse back riding. Tomorrow we are going to have to wear our girl scouts vest because it is the 100 anniversary.


  1. It took me awhile to get the cookies because I sold the most!

    1. Bean, I am so proud of you! You have done a great job representing the girl scouts and raising money for your troop. I can't wait to see what all you guys get to do with the money you raised!
