Monday, April 9, 2012

My Easter weekend!

                                              SATURDAY (EASTER  WEEKEND)                                                        This Easter was great! I went to my grandparents house for Easter. On Saturday I went to my grandparents house. My cousins Mikayla and Delainey were there for Easter to. The first thing that we did was set up for easter it was so fun. Next, we went in there woods to climb the tree that fell.
This is me on the tree. the bottom picture
is of me and my brother and my cousin Mikayla!
It was so fun because I was so high off the ground.
I also found a Eastern Swallowtail on the tree.
On the tree me and Mikayala acted like monkeys
while my brother was a animal rescue team member
that was trying to save us.
   After that, we painted boiled eggs for deviled
eggs for Easter. I painted this one that is Humpty
Dumpty but he never fell off the wall and broke himself!
       Next, we went back in the woods where there was
a dirt pile. We kept working on making a hole deeper
we started the last time they were there!
      Then, we started having dinner back in the woods
where the bonfire was. We had hotdogs and hamburgers
for dinner. For desert we had smores  and girl scout cookies.
A couple of the marshmallows got caught on fire and
we through them up in the trees when the were not
on fire.

                              SUNDAY  (EASTER)

In the morning my grandma and grandpa went to church for Easter service. Me and my brother were playing the XBOX 360. We were playing star wars. We were fighting. I was Luke Sky walker. I forgot what my brothers character was. Then after that we went outside to play basketball!
     After that, we had lunch. I had honey baked ham with a roll and some sierra mist. After lunch we did our Krazy string. My brothers can worked awesome and mine didn't work at all because mine had something blocking where spray from.
        Then, we had our Easter egg hunt. Delainey the small
one went first. I got so many pieces of candy. I also got some
puzzle pieces that made a under the ocean scene. I got a few
cents from the Easter egg hunt!
Next, we played another round of basketball.          
      Finally, we left and got back home before dark.
When we got home we watched WWE superstars with my dad,
brother and my mom. We love to watch WWE.
                                                          THE END

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Girlscout cookies

In October I started girl scouts. In February I started selling girl scout cookies to my neighbor hood, family and a few people in Cleveland that are my friends. I also sold some to my mom and dads work and a few other people in other neighbor  hoods. I sold 244 boxes in all and is the biggest total sold in the girl scout troop. If we all at least sold 72+ we could all go horse back riding. Tomorrow we are going to have to wear our girl scouts vest because it is the 100 anniversary.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

My Story

On Friday when my grandma and grandma came I started a story that is called The House. It is about a house in my grandparents house that is very small and is very big on the inside. There are characters that are similar to the Alice in Wonderland. The characters that are similar to the movie are the mad hatter and the cat that can turn his head already around and the bunny that falls into the hole but in my story the bunny runs into a small house that is very small in the inside and its very big in the inside. Then, a inspector comes to see the house and that is a weird looking hamster that's name is fur ball. After that, the kids which is me and my brother become friends with the mad hatter, the cat and the inspector. I started making a picture of the house! Here's the description of the house. The house has a light blue window in the back and a window in the back. Both windows have mold and cobwebs hanging in the window. The door is a red color that is warn out and wood chipping off. In the inside there are 7 floors! And there are more windows than you would imagine. In a room there are two king sized bed and a 46 inch TV with a great view of there grandparents woods.
I am still writing the story. I am on chapter 2 out of chapter 3. I am making the second book.The first book is called Meeting a Dragon in the Woods. It is based on the book called My Fathers Dragon.

The first book is about at me and my brother in our grandparents woods and finding the dragon. He was a 4 year old dragon that was yellow with a black stripe down his back and a few red spots on both sides of the stripe and the spots are closer to the head. When we were looking for the dragon we ran into obstacles like a talking deers with a joke contest. You have to get three jokes right in a row and if you get three jokes wrong in a row than you would have to go the long way which is a quarter of a mile more to get top the dragon. The contest that was last was a drawing contest. We had to draw a person that looked realistic and had to draw a back round. I won. The judge was a person That lived next to our grandma and grandpas house. Then we saved the dragon.  

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

going to WWE!

In March I am going to a wrestling place called WWE. My favorite wrestler is CMpunk. he is the WWE champion. My friend Avery and my brothers friend Jude are coming to. I can't wait. On March 13th were going. My brothers favorite wrestler is Daniel Bryan. If you  go to  the website Youtube and type in WWE in the search box you will find videos of all the wrestlers fighting another wrestler! Did you know that the tallest wrestler is Big Show as tall as 7 ft!. And did you know that Daniel Bryan is the world heavy weight champion witch means that he picked up and one Mark Henry the strongest wrestler!